Established 1885

Our Motto

" A man's a man for a' that"


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We think na on the long Scots miles,
The moses, waters, slaps, and styles,
That lie between us and our hame,
Whare sits our sulky, sullen dame,
Gathering her brows like gathering storm,
Nursing her wrath to keep it warm.


From Little Acorns - Oak Trees Grow

Launching Ayr and District Youth Robert Burns Club from Primary School
to Secondary, Universary/ College  
From Primary School Robert Burns Clubs
to Winners at The Robert Burns World Federation Secondary Schools Competition Festival

Photo   Recitation Winner Beth Clelland - Singing Winner - Kelly Mathiesion:  Recitation Winner  Alison Jones
 Margaret Morrall President Ayr Burns Club - Founder Three Primary Schools Robert Burns Clubs 1996
These three Secondary Pupils from Belmont Academy, were winners at Robert Burns World Federation Secondary Schools Competition on 27th April. at Inverclyde Academy These members helped to bring the Robert Burns World Federation Secondary Team Cup to Ayrshire. the first for many years.
These three pupils had been involved with the Primary Schools Robert Burns Clubs activities and participated in the Annual Anniversary Dinners in January when younger!
Alison Jones at 12 years of age was the President of Ayr Grammar Robert Burns Club, and participated in laying a wreath on the 25 January, at Burns Statute, Burns Statue Square, Ayr with the South Ayrshire Provost and The Robert Burns World Federation President and many others.
Alison, also Addressed the Haggis at that year's Primary Schools Robert Burns Club Anniversary Dinner.
Alison also recited Scots Wae Hae in July 2007 in The Auld Kirk of Ayr and To a Mouse at the Leglen Wood, Wallace Burns Cairn.
Kelly Mathiesion was at the very first Primary School Robert Burns Anniversary Dinner. Her older brother Liam was my 11 year old piper.
Beth Clelland attended Alloway Primary School

History of Primary Schools Robert Burns Clubs
December 1996, in The Bicentenary Year of the Death of Robert Burns,
Burnsian Margaret Morrall founded the three local Primary Schools surrounding Burns Cottage, Alloway, as Robert Burns Clubs.
These schools were Alloway Primary: Ayr Grammar: Doonfoot Primary School.
The first Primary Schools Robert Burns Clubs in the world to be Federated with the Burns Federation.!

Margaret Morrall has been asked many times over the years, by numerous youngster who enjoyed and participated in these Primary Anniversary Dinner, to organise and launch a Youth Robert Burns Club for their older age group. Alison, and numerous others are very enthusiastic to have an event this year.
Launching of the Ayr & District Youth Robert Burns Club

Margaret Morrall now President of Ayr Burns Club, agreed it would be appropriate to celebrate 2009 with launching an Ayr & District Youth Robert Burns Club  
Now achieving the ultimate wish by targeting and having Burnsians in Secondaries: Scottish Universities and Colleges!!

Alison Jones has accepted the invitation to be the Founder President of Ayr & District Youth Robert Burns Club.
Her Grandfather is a Council member of Ayr Burns Club (Alex MacKenzie).
Professor David Purdie has accepted and honoured our youth to be their Honorary President.
David Purdie was a lad from Prestwick and educated at Ayr Academy then Glasgow University

Yes, indeed, it has been an interesting journey since 1996
and giant steps going forward for 2009!

A warm welcome is extended to this age group to join this club.
Contact Margaret Morrall (01292) 442427
Progress of this new initiative with Ayr & District Youth Robert Burns Club can be reviewed in Ayr Burns Club web site <>

Margaret Morrall President Ayr Burns Club
Founder of Primary Schools Robert Burns Clubs and Anniversary Dinners


© 2008 The Robert Burns World Federation